Jazz : Ouvrages Généraux en Français
- Berendt Joachim-Ernst, Le grand livre du jazz, Editions du Rocher, Le Livre de Poche N° 7954, 560 pages, 1986.
- Bergerot Franck, Merlin Arnaud, L'épopée du jazz 1/ du blues au bop, 2/ au-delà du bop, Découvertes Gallimard N° 114 et 115, 1991.
- Bergerot Franck, Le jazz dans tous ses états : Histoire - Styles - Foyers - Grandes figures, Larousse, deuxième édition, 288 pages, 2006.
- Carles Philippe, Clergeat André, Comolli Jean-Louis, Dictionnaire du jazz, Bouquins, Robert Laffont, Paris, 1994.
- Claxton William, Berendt Joachim-Ernst, Jazz Life, Taschen, 600 pages (français, anglais, allemand), 2016.
- Cooke Mervyn, L'Histoire du Jazz, Grund, 272 pages, 2014.
- Cugny Laurent, Analyser le Jazz, éditions Outre Mesure, collection Contrepoints, 576 pages, 2009.
- Cuscuna Michel, Wolff Francis, Blue Note, Flammarion, 287 pages, 2014.
- Delli Fiori Julien, Ascenseur pour le jazz : Une histoire du jazz, Editions de la Martinière, 191 pages, 2010.
- de Gouyon Matignon Louis, Jazz Manouche : la Discothèque Idéale, L'Harmattan, 142 pages, 2015.
- Dorigné Michel, Jazz 1/ les origines du jazz, le style Nouvelle Orléans et ses prolongements, 2/ New York, Kansas, grands orchestres et grands solistes, middle jazz, l'époque swing , L'Ecole des Loisirs, Paris, 1970.
- Gailly Christian, Be-Bop, Minuit, 158 pages, 2002.
- Garcia Jorge, Herraiz Federico, Gonzalez Federico, Sampayo Carlos, Les 100 meilleurs disques du jazz, Editorial La Mascara, Valencia, 1995.
- Gavin James, La Longue Nuit de Chet Baker, Denoël, 2008
- Gumplowicz Philippe, Le Roman du Jazz. Tome 1, 1893-1930, Fayard, 387 pages, 1991
- Gumplowicz Philippe, Le Roman du Jazz, Tome 2, 1930-1942, Fayard, 509 pages, 2000
- Gumplowicz Philippe, Le Roman du Jazz. Les Modernes, Fayard, 498 pages, 2008
- Havers Richard, Blue Note : Le meilleur du Jazz depuis 1939, Textuel, 400 pages, 2014
- Henceval, Emile, Dictionnaire du jazz à Bruxelles et en Wallonie, Ed. Mardaga, Sprimont, 327 pages, 1995.
- Hodeir André, Hommes et Problèmes du Jazz, Parenthèses, Marseille, 1981/2014
- Hodeir André, Les mondes du jazz, Collection 10/18 N° 509 à 512, Paris, 1970 ; Edition Rouge profond, Collection Birdland, 411 pages, 2004
- Hucher Philippe, Le jazz, Librio, 75 pages, 2007.
- Jackson Jean-Pierre, La Discotheque Idéale du Jazz, Actes Sud, 224 pages, 2015.
- Legrand, Anne, Charles Delaunay et le jazz en France dans les années 30 et 40, Editions du Layeur, 239 pages, 2006.
- LeRoy Jones, Le peuple du blues, Folio, Gallimard, Paris, 1968 (Blues People, 1963).
- Malson Lucien, Les maîtres du jazz, d'Oliver à Coltrane, Presses Universitaires de France, collection Que sais-je ? N°548, 2006.
- Malson Lucien, Histoire du Jazz et de la Musique Afro-Américaine, Seuil, nouvelle édition, 285 pages, 2005.
- Milkowski Bill, Légendes du jazz, Grund, 270 pages, 2011.
- Porter Lewis, Ullman Michael, Hazell EdwardLe Jazz des origines a nos jours, éditions Outre Mesure, collection Contrepoints, 480 pages, 2009.
- Ténot Franck, Celui qui aimait le jazz, Fondation Frank Ténot, 190 pages, 2009.
- Tercinet Alain, West Coast Jazz, Parenthèses, Paris, 2015.
- Tournès Ludovic, New Orleans sur Seine. Histoire du jazz en France, Ed. Fayard, Paris, 501 pages, 1999.
- Vian Boris, Chroniques de jazz, Collection 10/18 N° 642 à 644, Paris, 1967.
- Wagner Jean, Guide du jazz, initiation à l'histoire et l'esthétique du jazz, Syros / Alternatives, Paris, 1992.
Jazz : Musiciens en Français
- Basie Count & Murray Albert, Good Morning Blues, Filipacchi, 524 p., 1988.
- Davis Miles & Troupe Quincy, Miles: L'autobiographie, La Table Ronde, 624 pages, 1989/2017.
- de Wilde Laurent, Monk, Folio, 320 pages, 1996/2017.
- Ellington Duke, Music is my mistress - Mémoires inédits, Slatkine et cie, 2016.
- Fol Sylvia, Billie Holiday, Folio, 352 pages, 2016.
- Gailly Christian, Be-Bop, Minuit, 158 pages, 2002.
- Gavin James, La longue nuit de Chet Baker, Denoël, 2008
- Gerber Alain, Le cas Coltrane, Parenthèses Edition, 143 pages, 2004
- Gerber Alain, Paul Desmond et le côté féminin du monde, Fayard, 2006
- Gerber Alain, Lester Young, Fayard, 2000
- Holiday Billie, Dufty William, Lady Sings The Blues, Double Day/Parenthèses, 170 pages, 1956/2003
- Kahn Ashley, Kind of Blue : Le Making of du chef-d'oeuvre de Miles Davis, Le Mot Et Le Reste , 282 pages, 2017.
- Laverdure Michel, Louis Armstrong, Editions Vade Retro, Paris, 1997 (biographie + disque compact)
- Médioni Franck, Charlie Parker, Fayard, 308 pages, 2020.
- Mezzrow Mezz, Wolfe Bernard, La rage de vivre, Buchet Chastel, 474 pages, 2013.
- Mingus Charles, Moins qu'un chien, Parenthèses, Paris, 272 p., 2018.
- Pepper Art & Laurie, Straight Life, Parenthèses, Paris, 359 p., 2004.
- Porter Lewis, John Coltrane : sa vie, sa musique, Outre Mesure, 380 pages, 2007.
- Russell Ross, Bird, La vie de Charlie Parker, Filipacchi, 1980.
- Schroeder, Jean-Pol, Bobby Jaspar. Itinéraires d'un jazzman européen 1926 - 1963, Ed. Mardaga, Sprimont, 496 pages, 1997.
- Ténot Franck, Boris Vian, le jazz et Saint-Germain, Du May, 94 pages, 1993.
- Williams Patrick, Django, Éditions Parenthèses, France, 224 pages, 1998.
Jazz : Livres en Anglais
- All Music Guide To Jazz, The Experts Guide To The Best Jazz Recordings, 3rd Edition, Miller Freeman Books, San Francisco, July 1998.
- Alkyer Frank & Enright Ed, DownBeat - The Great Jazz Interviews, Hal Leonard, 75th edition, 340 pages, 2009.
- Armstrong Louis, Satchmo - My life in New Orleans, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1952 (édition française: Ma Nouvelle-Orléans, Julliard, Paris)
- Basie Count & Murray Albert, Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie, University of Minnesota Press, Reissue édition, 416 p., 2016.
- Bechet Sidney, Treat It Gentle: An Autobiography, Da Capo Press, 280 p., 2002.
- Claxton William, Jazz West Coast, A Portfolio of Photography, Linear Productions, 1955.
- Chilton John, Who's Who of British Jazz, Continuum, Londres, 2004.
- Cook Richard, Blue Note Records: The Biography, Justin Charles & Co., 288 pages, 2003.
- Cook Richard & Morton Brian, The Penguin Guide To Jazz on CD, LP and Cassette, Penguin Books, London, First Edition 1992, Second Edition 1994, Third Edition 1996.
- Coryell Julie & Friedman Laura, Jazz-Rock Fusion: The People, The Music, Hal Leonard Corporation, 301 pages, 1978/2000.
- Crow Bill, From Birdland to Broadway: Scenes from a Jazz Life, OUP USA, 282 pages, 1994.
- Crow Bill, Jazz Anecdotes: Second Time Around, OUP USA, 416 pages, 2005.
- Ellington Duke, Music is my mistress, Da Capo Press, 2nd Edition, 544 p., 1976.
- Feather Leonard, The encyclopedia of jazz, Bonanza Books, New York, 1960.
- Giddins Gary, Celebrating Bird: The Triumph of Charlie Parker, University of Minnesota Press, Revised édition, 208 p., 2013.
- Giddins Gary, Satchmo, Denoël, Paris, 1988.
- Gitler Ira, Swing to Bop, An Oral History of the Transition in Jazz in the 1940's, Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Gioia Ted, The History of Jazz, OUP USA, 444 pages, 2011.
- Gioia Ted & Claxton William, West Coast Jazz: Modern Jazz in California, 1945-1960, University of California Press, Reprint édition, 448 pages, 1998.
- Godbolt Jim, History of jazz in Britain 1919 - 1950, Northway Publications 2nd edition, Londres, 299 pages, (1986), 2006.
- Goldberg Joe, Jazz Masters of the Fifties, Macmillan, NY, 1965.
- Hentoff Nat, The Jazz Life, Da Capo Press, Boston, 1978.
- Kahn Ashley, The House That Trane Built – The Story of Impulse Records, W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint édition, 352 pages, 2007.
- Kelley Robin, Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original, Free Press, Reprint édition, 624 pages, 2010.
- Mezzrow Mezz, Wolfe Bernard, Really the Blues, NYRB Classics, 464 pages, 2016.
- McCarthy Albert, Morgan Alun, Oliver Paul, Harrison Max, Jazz on records : a critical guide to the first 50 years 1917 - 1967, Hanover Books, Londres, 1968.
- Nettelbeck Colin, Dancing With De Beauvoir: Jazz And The French, Melbourne University Publishing, 240 pages, 2005.
- Nicholson Stuart, Billie Holiday, Gollancz, 311 pages, 1995.
- Pepper Art & Laurie, Straight Life: The Story Of Art Pepper, Da Capo Press, Revised édition , 616 p., 1994.
- Priestley Brian, Chasin' the Bird: The Life and Legacy of Charlie Parker, Equinox Publishing, Boston, 256 p., 2007.
- Priestley Brian, Charles Mingus: A Critical Biography, Paladin / Da Capo Press, Boston, 320 p. 1984.
- Silver Horace, Pastras Phil, Let's Get to the Nitty Gritty: The Autobiography of Horace Silver, University of California Press, 2006.
- The Gramophone Jazz Good CD Guide, ed. by Keith Shadwick, Gramophone Publications Limited, Great Britain, 1995.
- Vail Ken, Count Basie: Swingin' the Blues 1936-1950, Scarecrow Press, illustrated edition, 112 p. 2003.
- Whitehead, Kevin, New Dutch Swing, Billboard Books, New York, 352 pages, 1998.
- Zwerin Mike, Swing under the Nazis: jazz as a metaphor for freedom, Cooper Square Publishers, New York, 224 pages, 2000.
Blues (Français et Anglais)
- Barlow William, Looking Up at Down: The Emergence of Blues Culture. Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 464 pages, 1989.
- Charters Samuel, The Blues Makers, Da Capo Press, New York, 186 pages, 1991.
- Charters Samuel, The Roots of the Blues: An African Search. Da Capo Press (revised edition), New York, 168 pages, 1991.
- Charters Samuel, The Legacy of the Blues: Art and the Lives of Twelve Great Bluesmen. Da Capo Press, New York, 300 pages, 1977.
- Cohn Lawrence, Nothing But the Blues: The Music and Musicians. Abbeville Press (New edition), USA, 432 pages, 1999 / Nothing but the Blues: Le Blues, Sa Musique et Ses Musiciens. Editions Abbeville, Paris, 432 pages, 1999.
- Evans David, Big Road Blues: Tradition and Creativity in the Folk Blues. The Perseus Books Group, 396 pages, 1988.
- Evans Mike, Le blues: Un Siècle d'Histoire en Images. Chronique Editions, 256 pages, 2015.
- Fahey John, Charley Patton. Studio Vista, London, 112 pages, 1970.
- Ferris William, lues From the Delta. Da Capo, New York, 226 pages, 1984.
- Gioia Ted, Delta Blues – The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music. W. W. Norton & Company, 464 pages, 2010.
- Gordon Robert, Can't Be Satisfied: The Life and Times of Muddy Waters. Back Bay Books (reprint edition), 448 pages, 2003.
- Greensmith Bill et coll, Blues Unlimited: Essential Interviews from the Original Blues Magazine. University of Illinois Press, 496 pages, 2015.
- Guralnick Peter, : Feel Like Going Home / Légendes du Blues & Pionniers du Rock'N'Roll. Rivages (collection Rivages Rouge), 288 pages, 2009.
- Herzhaft, Gérard. Le Blues. Presses Universitaires de France, Que sais-je ?, 128 pages, 1999.
- Jones LeRoy, Le Peuple du Blues. Gallimard Folio, 333 pages, 1997.
- Keil Charles, Urban Blues. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 244 pages, 1966.
- Koechlin Stéphane, Le Blues: Les Musiciens du Diable. Le Castor Astral, 222 pages, 2014.
- Lomax Alan, The Land Where the Blues Began. Pantheon Books, New York, 539 pages, 1993 / Le Pays où Naquit le Blues. Ed Les Fondeurs de Briques, 672 pages, 2013.
- Obrecht Jas, Blues Guitar: The Men Who Made the Music. GPI Books, San Francisco, 1990 / Backbeat Books (2nd Revised edition), London, 285 pages. 1990.
- Oliver Paul, Blues Fell This Morning: Meaning in the Blues. Cambridge University Press, 348 pages, 1990.
- Oliver Paul, Le Monde du Blues. Arthaud, 334 pages, 1962.
- Oliver Paul, The Story of the Blues. Northeastern University Press (reprint edition), 212 pages, 1998.
- Olsson Bengt, Memphis blues. Studio Vista, London, 112 pages, 1970.
- O'Neal Jim, and Amy Van Singel, The Voice of the Blues: Classic Interviews from Living Blues Magazine. Routledge, New York, 368 pages, 2001.
- Rowe Mike, Chicago Blues: The City and the Music. Da Capo Press, New York, 5th edition, 226 pages, 1975.